
Новая статья Светланы Барсуковой

Статья на английском языке опубликована в Europe-Asia Studies.

Статья Светланы Барсуковой, в соавторстве с Elena Denisova-Schmidt, о смешивании бизнеса и политики в России, опубликована в Europe-Asia Studies.

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Based on expert interviews (n = 75) conducted between October 2018 and July 2019 in selected Russian regions, the authors identify several types of strategies used by businesses while dealing with the government. These include collusion, revolving-door affiliations, conflict of interest, ‘voluntary’ donations and other forms of support to the ruling party (and sometimes the opposition parties) in exchange for public contracts or preferential treatment. The study outcomes suggest that it is almost impossible to do business in Russia without using these types of strategies. The authors trace some of these forms back to the Soviet period and discuss possible remedies.

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